Web Application Penetration Testing is a process in which we use penetration testing and security skills to find different vulnerabilities in web applications. It plays an important role in every modern organization. But, if your organization does not properly test and secure its web apps, attackers can compromise these applications, damage business functionality, and steal data. That will end to a financial risk or loss. The web application penetration testing key outcome is to identify security weakness across web application. It also helps in prioritizing the identified vulnerabilities and threats, and possible ways to mitigate them.

Penetration testing attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities to determine whether unauthorized access or other malicious activity is possible, Mobile pentesting is a critical component in any comprehensive security plan. Here we follow the best practices for conducting a mobile pentest.

Our network penetration testing uses ethical hacking and controlled exploits to identify weaknesses and threats in your infrastructure, so you know your security posture. Implementing Secure services to the organizations Finding misconfigurations and threats in firewall, router, server, devices that are connected and protecting it from online attacks.

According to a recent report, 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email, yet cybersecurity training for employees is vastly underutilized in virtually every type of organization. Without proper training for employees you organization will be under threats like Ransomware, Giving Credentials to attackers,Phishing etc. Employees are the most critical component of your organization’s cybersecurity. Notice that these breaches are caused by “innocent mistakes” rather than “malicious attempts to bring down the company.” The best way to address mistakes is with a proactive approach—train your employees with examples of what to do and what not to do in order to nip these errors in the bud.
In this era most of the attackers use social engineering attacks to attacks an organization, It uses psychological manipulation to trick users/employee into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information. Later the attackers use this information for compromising organization security.
We provide social engineering tests for your organization, whether your organization/employees are vulnerable for the attacks.